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Convert Lat and Long to DMS

Welcome to our online Lat Long to DMS converter. Here, you can make the mentioned conversions easily and in no time. To convert decimal coordinates to degrees minutes seconds (DMS), all you need to do is enter the latitude and longitude values, and press 'Convert' button.

Convert DMS to Decimal Degrees
S: South, W: West, E: East, N: North

What is DMS?

DMS is the abbreviation for Degrees Minutes Seconds. Degrees minutes seconds (DMS) are special type of units used for measuring angles, as an alternative to decimal way to stating the size of an angle. It is a known fact that there are 360 degrees in a whole circle, with 1/60th of those being 1 minute, and 1/60th of one minute being 1 second. DMS includes degrees (°), minutes ('), seconds (''), with the corresponding symbols, and a size of any angle can be stated like, for example, 30 degrees, 10 minutes, 50 seconds.

The numerical values for latitude and longitude in decimal number format are:
° for degrees, ' for minutes and '' for seconds.

The common abbreviations of the directions:

You can also get the lat long and the DMS values by clicking on the map.

World Geodetic System WGS84 standard is used on this latitude and longitude to DMS converter.

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Antony - Editor's Pick 2020-11-26 14:07:43

Very profesional website that i can use with my car camera gps coordinates.
I must say that this map from OpenStreetMap is more accurate than google maps.

Marcus in Arizona - Editor's Pick 2020-01-28 13:27:39

Excellent Tool! I use this site to convert Lat Long positions I get on Google Maps to DMS to enter into my handheld GPS I use for camping. Thank you for maintaining this site. It is very useful!

Som 2025-01-21 06:30:18

Thanks a lot, very handy and easy to use calculator

Daniel 2024-06-04 18:52:45

Just used your tool at St Matthew island in the Bering Sea on my research vessel to quickly convert biologist decimal fixes to degrees. Easy and great to use, thanks!

Editor 2024-06-05 02:39:55

Thanks a lot, Daniel! We appreciate it :)
Best regards.

Dr Pramod Salaskar 2024-06-02 17:23:30

Thanks for this highly useful tool

David Cronin 2024-02-28 04:40:43

Here’s a way to convert decimal degrees back to DMS in 3-lines. ie 42.15188
D = 42
M = int(0.15188 x 60)
S = 0.15188 x 3600 mod 60

This seems to give the same answer in fewer lines.

Salman Rashid 2023-09-24 04:24:44

This is a very useful site. I used it for conversion of lat-long from decimals to degrees, minutes and seconds. Very helpful. That it also provides a map with each conversion is doubly helpful. Thanks a lot.

L.M. 2023-09-21 16:47:44

Great to convert from Google maps for my students. So they can actually understand the degree, minutes and seconds, thanks!

Anonymous 2023-02-26 13:54:03

Great tool that helped me convert coordinates after some calculations i did as part of my astronomy course. Thanks

Jose 2022-12-12 21:45:28

Compared with other website this one has a smaller number of digits it can accept. Do you think it will be worth allowing more digits? Your DMS to DD converter allows more digits than here.

Editor 2022-12-21 17:18:13

Hi Jose,
Thanks for visiting our website. We are using the standard decimal numbers for DMS.
Best regards.

Adityan 2022-09-26 05:24:43

Thanks for this life changer tool

Guest 2022-09-21 11:08:30

Here is how to convert Fugawi 3 waypoint data exported as text to fugawi 5.

To import Waypoints open so you get the Latitude in decimal degrees (negative is south) and
Longitude in decimal degrees (negative is west) information.

Enter them in

Take the value found in the DSM Lat and DSM Long Examples

58° 53' 21.1524'' N
10° 58' 14.7972'' E

remove remove '' N and '' E change . (dot) to ,

so in this case it would be

58° 53' 21,1524

10° 58' 14,7972

put it in the Location tab and it will be converted to the coordinates so that the program understands where it is.


hope this helps someone else going from Fugawi 3 to Fugawi 5.

Marx 2022-08-29 03:46:36

Thank you very much, my problem with converting lat/long to WGS84 standard solved today.

gordon turnbull 2022-04-12 15:54:10

very helpful website used many times for DSM holiday destination in my sat/nav

Carlos T 2022-03-28 02:31:14

Very useful site, thank you!
Can you make the fields wider so that they display to the full extent? (especially the DMS fields)

Keerthi Hewagoda 2021-04-10 13:39:08

Thank you very much. Your site is very useful for my environmental research works in remote areas in Sri Lanka. Simple and precise.

Frank 2021-01-21 21:38:39

Thank you for providing a very useful tool.

kefyalew 2020-11-27 11:02:20

Really this system of conversion is very important because of time-saving

Balbir Singh 2020-11-25 07:18:19

Thank you, very useful tool for me.

bob 2020-10-16 18:00:31

this help me cheat in school thank you so much lol

Desalegn 2020-08-15 07:22:46

Thanks it is highly significant . How can i work it in offline

Tessy 2020-08-07 07:38:28

Thank you. This really helped!

Bill 2020-07-24 13:38:56

Very useful converter. Thanks

Guest 2020-07-19 10:17:31

Really usefull for Sea Rescue Groups as they tend to use Decimal values.

Drone Pilot 2020-07-12 01:02:05

I have used this website a couple of times when my drone went down. And, always useful for finding fishing spots and places that I need to get back to for photography in a different season. For example, my Sony A77 II grabs a very precise Lat / Long coordinate so I can go back in the Autumn to photograph the color changes on the trees. Thanks!

Guest 2020-05-01 18:37:30

Why can't we just get the latitude and longitude in DMS instead of having to convert it?

Chiefy321 2020-04-15 19:59:28

Your Tool Converts 2.9 degrees latitude to 2° 53' 60'' N
But as 60" = 1' it should read 2° 54' 0'' N

lee 2020-03-22 19:36:47

hi how do i convert N 51.17971° W 001.44145° to hdd mm mmm format
thanks very much

Gilbert 2020-03-20 19:39:02

Very profesional website that i can use with my car camera gps coordinates.
I must say that this map from OpenStreetMap is more accurate than google maps.

Guest 2020-03-19 15:55:14

I have 26degree NE ,what will be the longitude and latitude

Gerald 2022-06-20 18:08:06

Impossible to tell. You'd have to have a starting point on the globe. That's because lines of latitude are parallel while lines of longitude converge from the equator to the North and/or South poles. Therefore you'd need the longitudinal convergence factor for the longitude based on the actual Latitude

Henry the Navigator 2021-02-10 13:18:07

26 degrees NW sounds like a compass bearing and not a position in terms of Lat and Long