Albert Park, Auckland, New Zealand
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: -36.850109, 174.767700.
Albert Park is a small urban public park which can be found in the central part of Auckland, the capital city of New Zealand. The park was established in 1880 and is located at the place were famous Albert Barracks used to be situated. Undoubtedly, Albert Park is among the most visited and popular green areas of the capital city. The park is bounded by Kitchener Street to the west, Bowen Avenue and Bowen Lane to the north, Princess Street to the east, and Wellesley Street East to the north. To the east of Albert Park, a large campus of The University of Auckland can be found, and to the south of the park the campus of one more educational establishment, Auckland University of Technology, is located.
With the common understanding of being a public park, Albert Park is rather a wonderful garden with plenty of landmarks that can be found there. The central part of the park is marked by a wonderful classical fountain which was installed in Albert Park on the year of its foundation. Queen Victoria statue is another key landmark of the park. It can be found in the north of the central fountain. There are other statues, memorials, and other kinds of artworks in the park. Albert Park is a great place to spend a few hours and take some rest from the fast rhythm of life. There are plenty of beautiful flower beds and greatly placed to sit in the shadow hiding from the heat on a hot summer day. There are a few notable and very tall palm trees located in the southeastern part of the park.
Where is Albert Park, Auckland, New Zealand on Map?
Road map of Albert Park, Auckland, New Zealand shows where the location is placed.
Satellite Map of Albert Park, Auckland, New Zealand
Albert Park, Auckland, New Zealand Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Albert Park, Auckland, New Zealand is -36.850109, and the longitude is 174.767700. Albert Park, Auckland, New Zealand is located at New Zealand country in the Parks place category with the gps coordinates of 36° 51' 0.3924'' S and 174° 46' 3.7200'' E.
Country | New Zealand |
Latitude | -36.850109 |
Longitude | 174.767700 |
DMS Lat | 36° 51' 0.3924'' S |
DMS Long | 174° 46' 3.7200'' E |
UTM Easting | 300,975.27 |
UTM Northing | 5,919,429.45 |
Category | Parks |
Country Code | NZ |
Zoom Level | 15 |
Coordinates of Albert Park, Auckland, New Zealand is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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