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Amazon River, Brazil

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: -2.163106, -55.126648.

An extremely long and beautiful river, the Amazon River is situated in the northern part of Brazil. It is considered to be one of the longest and the largest by the amount of water volume carried by the river. It is named after the Amazone female warrior community which is believed to be living there many years ago. The river basin is the largest one on the planet, with a large number of small and large tributaries joining the rive along its course from the high Andes of Peru. It is not easy to figure out where the direct source of the Amazon River located as in its very beginning the river consists of a few small creeks. The point where 3 Peruvian rivers, the Mantaro, the Maranon, and the Apurimac, meet is considered to be the start of the Amazon River.

The location of the river is closely linked to the beautiful tropical forests of the Amazon region, as well as numerous ecology problems connected with the area. Logging and deforestation are considered to be among the most dangerous things damaging the eco-situation on earth. Another common problem related to the river is a shortage of bridges along its course, which is caused by quite a considerable width of the river. On the other hand, known as 'The Meeting of Waters', the Amazon river provides water to a huge residential area in the northeastern and the northern parts of the country. There are many large cities located on the banks of the river, with the city of Manaus being the largest of those.

Where is Amazon River, Brazil on Map?

Road map of Amazon River, Brazil shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Amazon River, Brazil

Amazon River, Brazil Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Amazon River, Brazil is -2.163106, and the longitude is -55.126648. Amazon River, Brazil is located at Brazil country in the Rivers place category with the gps coordinates of 2° 9' 47.1816'' S and 55° 7' 35.9328'' W.

Amazon River, Brazil Geographic Information
DMS Lat2° 9' 47.1816'' S
DMS Long55° 7' 35.9328'' W
UTM Easting708,346.90
UTM Northing9,760,782.06
Country CodeBR
Zoom Level11

Coordinates of Amazon River, Brazil is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

Rivers in Brazil

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Recent Comments

Guest 2022-01-28 14:31:52

whats the relative location of the amazon river?

will 2018-09-19 14:06:23

what is the most common fish found?

Connie 2017-11-02 13:23:22

hello hayton, the smallest fish is the bushcytosis. it can grow to 1000 micrometres and grows in many lagoons across South America.

Mia 2017-11-02 05:45:43

What is the latitude and longitude of the Amazon River Delta?

jade abley 2017-09-01 02:23:21

I just have to say that this page is an asset to our world, I really needed this and well it helped me so much thank you

hayoto 2017-05-18 00:15:38

What is the smallest fish

George 2017-02-22 02:53:16

Hello Emil, pleased to meet you. The biggest fish in the Amazon basin is the eastern gypsy catfish, found in the western rivers of the northen parts of the Amazon.

emil 2014-12-15 18:39:02

whats the biggest fish

Ana 2014-12-01 05:11:20

Bob, The amazon river is filled with water. But because of the floods, the water is also filled with soil, that is why its that brown color.

Bob 2014-11-12 14:43:06

Why is it not filled with water?
