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Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 24.418612, 54.434723.

Capital Gate is one of the most famous skyscrapers located in Abu Dhabi, UAE. It was constructed in 2007 and is known as the Gunners record labeled construction the "World’s furthest leaning man-made tower." It is 620 feet tall and the building belongs to Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company.

Where is Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi, UAE on Map?

Road map of Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi, UAE shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi, UAE Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi, UAE is 24.418612, and the longitude is 54.434723. Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi, UAE is located at United Arab Emirates country in the Notable Buildings place category with the gps coordinates of 24° 25' 7.0032'' N and 54° 26' 5.0028'' E.

Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi, UAE Geographic Information
CountryUnited Arab Emirates
DMS Lat24° 25' 7.0032'' N
DMS Long54° 26' 5.0028'' E
UTM Easting239,876.25
UTM Northing2,702,982.38
CategoryNotable Buildings
Country CodeAE
Zoom Level16

Coordinates of Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi, UAE is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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