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Paldiski, Estonia

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 59.352875, 24.055161.

Paldiski is a small coastal town in Harju County, northwestern Estonia, located on Paldiski Bay on the Pakri Peninsula. It has a wonderful harbor and a port connecting it with the neighboring capital Tallinn and the neighboring ports of the Baltic Sea. The town is also a tourist destination with a few points of interest such as Pakri Lighthouse, St Sergius Orthodox Church, and its hiking trails, scenic spots, historic buildings and campgrounds. Paldiski railway station serves the area. Paldiski was used as a filming location for the 2002 movie Lilya 4-ever.

Where is Paldiski, Estonia on Map?

Road map of Paldiski, Estonia shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Paldiski, Estonia

Paldiski, Estonia Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Paldiski, Estonia is 59.352875, and the longitude is 24.055161. Paldiski, Estonia is located at Estonia country in the Towns place category with the gps coordinates of 59° 21' 10.3500'' N and 24° 3' 18.5796'' E.

Paldiski, Estonia Geographic Information
DMS Lat59° 21' 10.3500'' N
DMS Long24° 3' 18.5796'' E
UTM Easting332,581.92
UTM Northing6,583,048.63
Country CodeEE
Zoom Level10

Coordinates of Paldiski, Estonia is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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