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Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: -6.241586, 106.992416.

Bekasi is a very large city in West Java, Indonesia, located on the eastern border of Jakarta and consisting of 12 districts. It is considered one of the most populous cities as well as one of the oldest cities in the country. Bekasi is a key commercial and business center of the region known for its markets, shopping malls, and commercial enterprises. The city also is home to some large industrial enterprises, and the factories of international companies like Samsung, Honda, LG, and Converse. There are a few attractions and points of interest in Bekasi including Patriot Candrabhaga Stadium, Grand Metropolitan Mall, Grand Galaxy Park Mall, Metropolitan Mall Bekasi, Summarecon Mal Bekasi, Transera Waterpark, Trans Snow World Juanda, Bekasi City Park, and so on.

Where is Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia on Map?

Road map of Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia

Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia is -6.241586, and the longitude is 106.992416. Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia is located at Indonesia country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 6° 14' 29.7096'' S and 106° 59' 32.6976'' E.

Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia Geographic Information
DMS Lat6° 14' 29.7096'' S
DMS Long106° 59' 32.6976'' E
UTM Easting720,444.21
UTM Northing9,309,673.03
Country CodeID
Zoom Level11

Coordinates of Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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