Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Italy
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 43.767746, 11.255836.
Institute and Museum of the History of Science, known also as the Museum of Galileo (Museo Galileo) is one of the main tourist attractions in central Florence, located at Piazza dei Giudici, 1. The building was constructed in the 11th century, and the museum was established there in the late 18th century. There are a few collections there, including the oldest Medici collection, the Lorraine collection, etc. The museum is visited by a few million of tourists every year, and is one of the main points of interest for young people coming to the city.
Where is Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Italy on Map?
Road map of Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Italy shows where the location is placed.
Satellite Map of Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Italy
Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Italy Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Italy is 43.767746, and the longitude is 11.255836. Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Italy is located at Italy country in the Museums place category with the gps coordinates of 43° 46' 3.8856'' N and 11° 15' 21.0096'' E.
Country | Italy |
Latitude | 43.767746 |
Longitude | 11.255836 |
DMS Lat | 43° 46' 3.8856'' N |
DMS Long | 11° 15' 21.0096'' E |
UTM Easting | 681,565.76 |
UTM Northing | 4,848,550.55 |
Category | Museums |
Country Code | IT |
Zoom Level | 14 |
Coordinates of Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Italy is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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