Milan Natural History Museum, Italy
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 45.472851, 9.202242.
The Museum of Natural History of Milan (Milan Natural History Museum) is one of the attractions of the city, which can be found near Vanazia Gates, at Corso Venezia, 55, Milan, Italy. It was established 180 years ago and is located in a beautiful building built in Romanesque style. There are a few sections in the museum, including a zoology, a mineralogy, a paleontology, and the main section. It can be interesting for kids who are interested in animal life and nature.
Where is Milan Natural History Museum, Italy on Map?
Road map of Milan Natural History Museum, Italy shows where the location is placed.
Satellite Map of Milan Natural History Museum, Italy
Milan Natural History Museum, Italy Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Milan Natural History Museum, Italy is 45.472851, and the longitude is 9.202242. Milan Natural History Museum, Italy is located at Italy country in the Museums place category with the gps coordinates of 45° 28' 22.2636'' N and 9° 12' 8.0712'' E.
Country | Italy |
Latitude | 45.472851 |
Longitude | 9.202242 |
DMS Lat | 45° 28' 22.2636'' N |
DMS Long | 9° 12' 8.0712'' E |
UTM Easting | 515,808.11 |
UTM Northing | 5,035,500.23 |
Category | Museums |
Country Code | IT |
Zoom Level | 15 |
Coordinates of Milan Natural History Museum, Italy is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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