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Rijeka, Croatia

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 45.328979, 14.457664.

One of the largest cities in Croatia, Rijeka is a large port and a famous resort city on Kvarner Bay, in the Adriatic Sea. It is the key tourist destination of the country. It is a historic city with many old buildings and architecture. Rijeka is a transportation hub linked by highways, airways and seaways to many countries of the world. It has numerous attractions, such as Plaža Kantrida, Sablićevo Beach, Javna plaža Pećine, Žakalj Old Mill, Natural History Museum, Central Market, Trsat Castle, Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Coast, Petar Kružić Stairway, Saint Vitus’ Cathedral, and Ivan Zajc Croatian National Theatre. Rijeka International Airport is situated to the south of the city.

Where is Rijeka, Croatia on Map?

Road map of Rijeka, Croatia shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Rijeka, Croatia

Rijeka, Croatia Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Rijeka, Croatia is 45.328979, and the longitude is 14.457664. Rijeka, Croatia is located at Croatia country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 45° 19' 44.3244'' N and 14° 27' 27.5904'' E.

Rijeka, Croatia Geographic Information
DMS Lat45° 19' 44.3244'' N
DMS Long14° 27' 27.5904'' E
UTM Easting457,500.95
UTM Northing5,019,639.90
Country CodeHR
Zoom Level11

Coordinates of Rijeka, Croatia is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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