Troy, MT, USA
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 48.464111, -115.889893.
Troy is a small town in western Montana, situated right at the border with Idaho, the Pacific area of the USA. Situated near Highway 2, the town is surrounded by beautiful forests, Kootenai National Park and Kaniksu National Forest. Troy is a home to 18 hundred people. The town is usually visited by some tourists in mid August, when there is an annual holiday takes place in the town.
Where is Troy, MT, USA on Map?
Road map of Troy, MT, USA shows where the location is placed.
Satellite Map of Troy, MT, USA
Troy, MT, USA Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Troy, MT, USA is 48.464111, and the longitude is -115.889893. Troy, MT, USA is located at United States country in the Towns place category with the gps coordinates of 48° 27' 50.7996'' N and 115° 53' 23.6148'' W.
Country | United States |
Latitude | 48.464111 |
Longitude | -115.889893 |
DMS Lat | 48° 27' 50.7996'' N |
DMS Long | 115° 53' 23.6148'' W |
UTM Easting | 582,062.92 |
UTM Northing | 5,368,481.44 |
Category | Towns |
Country Code | US |
Zoom Level | 8 |
Coordinates of Troy, MT, USA is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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Recent Comments
Troy is lowest in elevation in the state of Montana and highest in recreational activities.