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Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: -7.250445, 112.768845.

Surabaya is a large city and an important center of social life located in the northern coastal part of the province of East Java which can be found in the south-central region of Indonesia. Surabaya is the second largest city in the country surpassed by only the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta. The area of the city is about 135 square miles and it is the second-largest urban area in the country. Surabaya overlooks the shores of the Madura Strait and is a modern city provided with all the common amenities and facilities that all contemporary city residents benefit from. Surabaya can be found about 520 miles east of the capital city of the country and a little less than 200 miles east of another large city of East Java, Semarang.

Geographically, the city is situated on the northeastern shores of the island of East Java. The city has an average elevation close to 15-20 feet and there are no hills or any kind of high areas in the city. Of its glorious history, the city of Surabaya has the name "The City Of Heroes" fallen in numerous wars and revolutions that the local community has been living through for a few centuries. The city has plenty of attractions including its most popular mosques and temples, museums and monuments, hotels and restaurants, and many others. The towns of Gresik, Kebomas, Balongbendo, and others are among the largest suburban areas of the city. Surabaya is particularly famous for its excellent amusement parks.

Where is Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia on Map?

Road map of Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia is -7.250445, and the longitude is 112.768845. Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia is located at Indonesia country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 7° 15' 1.6020'' S and 112° 46' 7.8420'' E.

Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia Geographic Information
DMS Lat7° 15' 1.6020'' S
DMS Long112° 46' 7.8420'' E
UTM Easting695,294.97
UTM Northing9,198,184.61
Country CodeID
Zoom Level10

Coordinates of Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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