Frisco, TX, USA
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 33.155373, -96.818733.
Frisco is a city in northeast Texas, USA, located to the north of Dallas, in its metropolitan area. This city is known as one of the fastest-growing cities in the state. It is a key center of sports culture, with numerous venues and professional teams of baseball, basketball, football, hockey, and so on. Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport is located about 23 miles southwest of the city center. Attractions in the city include the National Videogame Museum, Karya Siddhi Hanuman Temple, Limestone Quarry Park, Toyota Stadium, Texas Sculpture Garden, Frisco Discovery Center, Sci-Tech Discovery Center, EQ Kids Club, Frisco Heritage Museum, Grand Park, Youth Center Park, Ridgeview West Memorial Park, and Stonebriar Country Club. There are also campuses of several universities in the city such as The University of Dallas, Amberton University, Collin College, etc.
Where is Frisco, TX, USA on Map?
Road map of Frisco, TX, USA shows where the location is placed.
Satellite Map of Frisco, TX, USA
Frisco, TX, USA Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Frisco, TX, USA is 33.155373, and the longitude is -96.818733. Frisco, TX, USA is located at United States country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 33° 9' 19.3428'' N and 96° 49' 7.4388'' W.
Country | United States |
Latitude | 33.155373 |
Longitude | -96.818733 |
DMS Lat | 33° 9' 19.3428'' N |
DMS Long | 96° 49' 7.4388'' W |
UTM Easting | 703,426.88 |
UTM Northing | 3,670,630.23 |
Category | Cities |
Country Code | US |
Zoom Level | 12 |
Coordinates of Frisco, TX, USA is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.
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