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Isfahan, Iran

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 32.661343, 51.680374.

A large and populous city Isfahan (اصفهان) is one of the most important cities of central Iran and the capital of the same name province. This is a very old city, a historic capital of Persia, with amazing architecture and plenty of historic artifacts including old buildings, mosques, palaces, museums, etc. Local attractions include the Fire Temple of Isfahan, Hasht Behesht Palace, Chehel Sotoon Palace, Soffeh Mountain Park, Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, Khajoo Bridge, Seyyed Mosque, and Mardavij Pigeon Tower. The city is also famous for its large and crowded bazaars. Isfahan International Airport serves the area.

Where is Isfahan, Iran on Map?

Road map of Isfahan, Iran shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Isfahan, Iran

Isfahan, Iran Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Isfahan, Iran is 32.661343, and the longitude is 51.680374. Isfahan, Iran is located at Iran country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 32° 39' 40.8348'' N and 51° 40' 49.3464'' E.

Isfahan, Iran Geographic Information
DMS Lat32° 39' 40.8348'' N
DMS Long51° 40' 49.3464'' E
UTM Easting563,800.03
UTM Northing3,613,948.85
Country CodeIR
Zoom Level12

Coordinates of Isfahan, Iran is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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