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Turin, Italy

Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 45.116177, 7.742615.

Turin (Torino) is a wonderful historic city located in the north westernmost part of Italy, in proximity to the Alps and the border between Italy and France. Torino is the capital of a large region called Pedimonte and is a key business and tourist center of the northern part of the country. The city is famous for its gorgeous architecture, numerous parks and boulevards, amazing local cuisine, and art galleries. The city has a very long history and it used to be the capital city of the country, as well as one of the principal centers of education, culture, enlightenment, and social life of the whole continent. Today's Turin is a modern city and a very popular tourist spot. It is also one of the leading business and especially industrial parts of the country, with plenty of automotive companies located there.

Turin can be found in the northern part of the country, about 85 miles southwest of the city of Milan, about 200 miles northwest of the city of Florence, about 330 miles northwest of the city of Rome, and about 95 miles north of the city of Monaco. The city is surrounded by parts of the Alps from its northern and western sides, with really beautiful views of Mount Viso and other peaks of the region. Turin is a very important transportation spot that connects Italy with other European countries and cities. For many decades Turin has been among the top 10 most visited cities of the country, attracting the guests of the region with its unique architecture, culture, cuisine, atmosphere, friendly and open-minded community, as well as numerous entertainment facilities.

Where is Turin, Italy on Map?

Road map of Turin, Italy shows where the location is placed.

Satellite Map of Turin, Italy

Turin, Italy Lat Long Coordinates Info

The latitude of Turin, Italy is 45.116177, and the longitude is 7.742615. Turin, Italy is located at Italy country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 45° 6' 58.2372'' N and 7° 44' 33.4140'' E.

Turin, Italy Geographic Information
DMS Lat45° 6' 58.2372'' N
DMS Long7° 44' 33.4140'' E
UTM Easting401,099.32
UTM Northing4,996,625.30
Country CodeIT
Zoom Level10

Coordinates of Turin, Italy is given above in both decimal degrees and DMS (degrees, minutes and seconds) format. The country code given is in the ISO2 format.

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